Random catch up

As I haven’t posted in so long, there are a couple of other things that have happened recently….

  • my sister Ailse, graduated last week from St. Andrews with a 2:1 degree – well done Ailse! (And check out the three random weirdos gate-crashing the pic above)
  • my Dad got awarded an MBE in the recent honours list, so hopefully we will all be off to Buckingham Palace soon to see him collect that!
  • I’m going to become an uncle for the first time, as my other sister is expecting…. I still haven’t quite got used to the idea of there being another family member
  • and finally, after having debt since I left university (and I’m talking about a LOT of debt run up whilst I was either living it up in London or trying to survive on no money after taking a paycut to join the BBC), I am now completely, 100% debt free. Which is great. Here’s hoping the housing market will take a massive crash, and I’m excited about buying my own place sometime next year

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