
rockschool 206x82i

Well in the desert which is work at the moment (I still don’t have anything to work on just now, so am spending my day surfing the net, writing Christmas cards etc.), I did help out on a studio show on Monday.

ATL Rock School is a kind of one-off battle of the bands show, where six bands perform and three judges pick a winner. It was a bit weird to be back in the same studio as Children In Need and feel completely relaxed! All I had to do was brief bands on where their interviews would take place and what questions they would be asked, and then rehearse their answers. Easy work really!

Afterwards, there was the obligatory ‘celebrations’ – up in the Green Room (where they seemed to run out of beer within 5 minutes). Then it was off to the Stiff Kitten which seems to be my new favourite place, before some people ended up back at mine. By this point I was completely hammered and insisted on dragging out Singstar.

I woke up the next morning to find seven half empty cans of beer scattered throughout my flat. And a smashed wine glass. Not nice to be faced with in the morning!

You can check out videos of the bands featured on ATL Rock School on the here – my favourites on the night were Switch 14 and Nice ‘n’ Sleezy. You can catch the show when it airs… in February 2007!

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