Several trips to Scotland

Och aye the noo! Sorry I haven’t posted in ages but bla bla bla. Anyways, I have been pretty busy the last couple of weeks. Taking advantage of the fact that work has calmed down a bit now that Northern Exposure is all in the can, I spent a couple of weekends in my home nation Scotland recently. In case I haven’t told you before, Scotland is great.

Anyway, on one of the trips over, me and the famile took a trip to South Queensferry which is a really nice little village beside the Forth Rail Bridge (that’s the bridge in the picture above). When I was wee I used to think trains actually went up and down the bridge. Just as well they don’t really as that would make everyone slightly sick.

We ate a really nice meal in a restaurant there, called Orocco Pier. It is a great little spot if you ever find yourself driving around outside Edinburgh and fancy a good meal. There was also the most attractive waitress I have ever laid eyes on there as well. I tried to get a picture (in the interest of blogging you see) but as you see it didn’t really come out very well.

Anyways, mark my words, she was very good looking. So if you do pop in there, make sure you tell her I said hello.

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