Trip to Ireland’s first Starbucks !

picture5Well, G and I have just returned from my first visit to Northern Ireland’s first Starbucks ! It’s in Antrim, which is about half an hour’s drive from Belfast, and is situated at a new outlet mall called Junction One. The mall itself is a bit rubbish like all outlet places – there’s no really good shops, although there is a Ralph Lauren store if you like that kind of thing (which I don’t !). Thing I always find about outlet malls is that the stuff in them is either a) completely horrible or b) only available in XXXXL.

picture4 So anyway, the queue inside Starbucks was completely MASSIVE ! It went out to the door and it took about 20 minutes before we even reached the till ! picture3 It was kind of worth it though ! I had a smoothie and a panini and got a frappucino for the road home – delish !

So, I haven’t posted for a while – have been quite busy out filming for the Portaferry documentary I’m working on, so haven’t been up to much else. I got my new phone this week which is so much better than my last one, although I’m still getting to grips with it !

This Saturday night, G, David and I are off to Milk, where they’re having a barbecue. Hopefully it will be good, there’s always pretty ladies there, so that will be something to look forward to ! And the elusive gym bird might be there as well ! By the way, if you’re wondering why my face is so red in the top photograph – it must be sunburn. I didn’t think it was that red, but there you go. It is !

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