A Bigger Big Mac

Bigger Big Mac

I haven’t been to McDonald’s for a good six months or something, but as I walked three and a half miles back to work the other day after a meeting, I thought a McD’s wouldn’t do me any harm (or my waistline). So I popped in and tried the Bigger Big Mac, which is available for the five week duration of the World Cup, here at McDonald’s in the UK.

It’s apparently about 40% bigger than a normal Big Mac, but I was a bit disappointed. Not because I didn’t feel stuffed after eating it (I did) but just because a Big Mac didn’t taste as good as it used to in my memory. Maybe I was just at a bad one!

There’s been a load of grief about this big Big Mac, but really people – if you exercise regularly and eat properly the rest of the time, it really isn’t going to do you much harm!

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