Last Bungalow show for a while!

Me with Freddie Starr
Well I had a hectic week last week really. It was my show at the weekend (weekend before this one) and the Producer was off most of the week, and two researchers were off too – there was a bit of a virus going round the office! So it was a hectic week for me. The guest on the show was Freddie Starr – I was a bit worried about him to be honest because I know he’s a bit unpredictable, but he was absolutely lovely. A really nice bloke – that’s me and him above.

So the show went well anyway. After that we all headed to the BBC bar for a drink where I proceeded to get absolutely hammered (well I had been up since 5am to get to work). Then we went off to a pub in Ealing to celebrate a cameraman’s birthday. I can’t remember much more about the night but apparently I was playing a beer bottle like a flute and bumping into people a lot. Myself and the design girl from the show also decided to have a Chinese Burns / Dead Arm fight which seemed like a good idea at the time.

Managed to catch the last tube home thankfully, but did spend ALL day Sunday throwing up, which was not so good. Why does drink make you suffer the next day?!!

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